I’m interested in the role “experience” plays in the construction of our reality; the brief moments of cognition where we recognize something as new or familiar. In short, our experience with visual motifs and “Iconography” as a commutable tool. My work reconstitutes these visual motifs and iconographies by deconstructing and reconfiguring them, seeking to destabilize and at times critique the original intent behind many of these images. Through this process, I hope to create a dialogue of the collective experience both physically and socially, as well as, personally and satirically. In the mode of postmodernism, creating a meta-narrative within the larger, grander, and delusional narrative of our American history.

Visually my work uses drawing, collage and appropriation as a foundation. My process is guided by a playful intuitiveness and personal humor; where I explore a balance between representation & abstraction, High art vs. Low art, and the commutable value of sourced imagery.